Accompanied by a certificate issued by Fundacion Sansó confirming the authenticity of this lot


Juvenal Sansó has explored a variety of subjects and styles throughout his decades-long career. And, while his earlier works that delve into war and destruction are highly acclaimed, his later works of stylized depictions of sweeping landscapes and seascapes also received plaudits. His reconnection with nature is further revealed as he painted his canvases with colorful and beautiful sceneries. Sansó's landscapes are noted for expertly employing tropical colors and overarching tones in his landscape paintings, but he does not stop there. The work's iridescent beauty is embodied through his brilliant use of light to create an inviting form of surrealism. The Spanish-born Filipino painter is always inspired by his environment, stimulated by both real and imagined places and landscapes. He has created elegant and poetic paintings with his polished gestural brush strokes that display his deep awareness of nature's ever-changing landscape. To appreciate Sansó's landscapes truly, one should look into his process, which involves painting on site and then finishing it in his studio. The situations that the artist faces when working outside give the piece not only character but also superior, unrestrained quality. Furthermore, one can see the minutiae, the intricacies, that can be found in his work – characteristics that other painters might avoid, but that only an artist like Sanso would savor in applying. (P.I.R.)