Accompanied by a certificate issued by Blanc Gallery and signed by the artist confirming the authenticity of this lot

Provenance: Blanc Gallery, Quezon City


In this piece titled Taklob II we see Mallari’s mastery of different styles and techniques to full effect. In the work, we see what appears to be a woman draped in an elegant gown. Yet Mallari contrasts these two main elements by rendering the dress in a detailed and almost hyper realistic manner, so much so that the fabric seemingly leaps from the canvas. While the woman herself is relatively compared to her garments as they are rendered in a silhouette-like and almost skeletal approach. Beyond the interesting dynamic, Mallari’s conscious decision seemingly directs the viewer to view the piece in relation to itself; that is through its two contrasting elements. The detailed rendering of the dress alludes to a sense of beauty that is created, and given importance by human hands. Meanwhile the underlying female form behind the dress acts as a foil to the seemingly manufactured and finely-detailed allure of the dress. Through the figure, our minds are allowed to run-free and imagine the distinctly human aspects of the figure, but are reigned back due to the existence of the dress; effectively informing us of their relation to the garment. This interplay of contradictory elements opens up a dialogue on beauty and the human elements placed upon our perception of it. (J.D.)