Accompanied by a certificate signed by the artist confirming the authenticity of this lot


Ronald Ventura’s highly distinct and innovative approach to art has garnered him critical and commercial acclaim. His works often feature a surreal disposition that seemingly juxtaposes itself with his detailed and almost hyperrealistic treatment of his subject-matter. The result is a nuanced visual exploration of reality itself as Ventura attempts to unearth the cultural, psychological, and spiritual elements that animate and influence our reality. Though Ventura often uses popculture as his device and metaphor of choice, he is now stranger to more classical symbols and icons. Such is the case in this piece titled Migration. When viewed, one’s attention is undoubtedly drawn to the multiple humanlike figures emerging from what appears to be a tree; as if they are being brought to the world in the same way leaves, flowers, and fruits are. His treatment of the figures seemingly evoke images of classical and academic art; a tradition, when viewed through a Western lens, that often takes on a religious and spiritual perspective. Such a reading is furthered by the very title of the piece, implying that the work does not symbolize birth, but some sort of renewal that comes with a transition, a change of the season, or, as the name suggests, a form of migration. Another aspect of the work that allows it to be read in a renewed religious sense is the very shape and treatment of the canvas, bringing to mind the iconic Shroud of Turin. In line with the aforementioned theme of change, the shroud is often seen as among the most indispensible icons of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection; an event that can also be seen as a narrative of transition and transformation. Ventura’s symbol-laden approach allows us to interpret his works in ways that reflect the cultural shifts and upheavals of mankind.