Accompanied by a certificate signed by the artist confirming the authenticity of this lot León Gallery wishes to thank the artist for confirming the authenticity of this lot

León Gallery wishes to thank the artist for confirming the authenticity of this lot


Behind the child-like playfulness evoked by the works of prolific Bacolod-born contemporary visual artist Charlie Co is an oeuvre teeming with powerful social commentaries on the current state of affairs not just in the country but in other parts of the world. In Trumpet of Conflict, Co appropriates the biblical “trumpet” found in the eschatological Book of Revelations and reverses its meaning as a symbol of oppression under religious extremism and imperialism. Created in 2015 at the height of ISIS brutality, Co shared to León Gallery the meaning and context behind this work. “This piece is about the war in Afghanistan, the rise of the ISIS extremists,” shares Co. The images wearing black are the ISIS and those wearing orange are the foreigners who were executed and shown on social media. The figure with the trumpet symbolizes the Western policies, instigating war.” (A.M.)