ARK Galerie, Jakarta
Sotheby's, Contemporary Art, Hong Kong,
November 30, 2021, Lot 31

Literature: Damiani Editore, Realities - Ronald Ventura, Italy 2011, p.106, illustrated in colour


Unlike many artists who are faced with the constant challenge of being stereotyped within certain styles and techniques, contemporary visual artist Ronald Ventura has taken upon himself the task of confronting powerful visual statements with stunning directness and diversity. His body of work often transcends strict classification and regimentation given that Ventura often works with a multitude of media, styles, and concepts. With his new ways of seeing, Ventura exerts his influence in overturning notions on presenting the human body, or formal problems once dominated late modern painting, or conceptions of the ideal as against the products of academic classicism of a still earlier age. In this work, Ronald Ventura shows a quieter, more pensive side, taking a visual break from his interpretations of gory religious rites, pop culture and European Old Master paintings, demons and monsters swirling around the central images of disillusioned acts, with this piece titled His Case. Ventura still continues his sophisticated hyperrealism combined with a sparse and borderline minimalist palette. Ventura admits to loving contradictions and multiple realities, mixing the pretty and the grim, two elements which still find their place in this otherwise placid work. The artist has risen to prominence on the Asian contemporary art scene with complex, layered works that juxtapose unexpected images, and often macabre images, with scenes from everyday life. He is known for mixing different styles, such as Hyperrealism ,Surrealism, and Pop Art. (J.D.)