According to the Cambridge Dictionary, the word 'tryst' refers to "a meeting between two people who are having a romantic relationship, especially a secret one." Lao Lianben visually expounds on this definition, presenting a sublime story of two star-crossed lovers. In this piece, a seascape is imbued with uncanny, pitch-black darkness resembling the dead of night. The moonlight glimmers on the tranquil waters, baring the vast rock formations that populate the mysterious scenery. Based on the definition of 'tryst,' one can imagine an obscure place where two lovers meet as they delightfully escape from the scathing eyes and cacophonous mouths of civilization. The soft caress of the ocean breeze induces an enchanted atmosphere. As they revel in their warm, intimate embrace, they slowly fade into each other and gently lose themselves in the almost otherworldly, soothing darkness. They seemingly drift to another entirely different universe, where the burning desires of the corporeal and the aspirations of the metaphysical intertwine and are left unscathed. One night every year is all that they have. In the still of the night, warmth, passion, and intimacy are manifested in their most immaculate. The overall composition fittingly evokes a melancholic sensuality that is subtle yet dynamic. Even in the early phase of his artistic career, Lao is capable of instigating a myriad of feelings, be it implicit or explicit. Here, the darkness of the night symbolizes the vast space they must navigate to reach and touch each other. But in another sense, it also represents transcendental love. Lao's interpretation of various human experiences and stories is imbued with enigmatic and evocative underpinnings that stem from his boundless contemplations. It is an artistic practice that beautifully captures a love so forbidden and persecuted yet cuts across every facet of human existence. “There is a charm about the forbidden that makes it unspeakably desirable,” writes the celebrated American writer Mark Twain. (A.M.)