Provenance: Private Collection, Makati City


The dystopian and provocative works by Jojo Legaspi clashes with the mainstream views on religion, sex and gender identity by Philippine society. In this work, Legaspi parodied the famous Renaissance mural Resurrection by Pinturicchio featuring Pope Alexander VI (1431-1503) located within the Borgia Apartments in the Vatican. In replacing the regal imagery of the pontiff, the artist revises the narrative from that of celibate priest, to a lascivious predator under the guise of false piety. Evidenced in this work is the partaking of the Holy Communion, an important sacrament in the Catholic liturgy that with his garments fully disrobed and is adulterated to resemble the receiving of a sexual act. The provocation of this work aims to titillate the senses and arouse the emotions and belief systems of a generally conservative society be drawn into their bewilderment, as which the artist will be satisfied and have the final laugh.