MM Yu’s abstract series is particularly notable for its use of thin, meticulously arranged bands of color. When viewed together, these bands create a vibrant, multi-layered visual field that captivates the eye with its subtle optical effects. Unlike the energetic and spontaneous gestures typical of action painters, Yu approaches abstraction with a methodical and structured sensibility. Her lines are vertically straight, continuous, and nearly autonomous, with minimal overlap, creating a sense of order and precision in her compositions. The occasional deviations from the rhythmic pattern of these lines introduce a deliberate counterpoint, guiding the viewer’s eye and breaking the monotony with welcome interruptions. These subtle variations enhance the visual experience, inviting the viewer to engage with the work on a deeper level. As the eye moves across the canvas, these interruptions create a dynamic interplay that adds to the complexity of the piece. Yu’s abstract works can also be interpreted as an extension of her photographic practice, where the image is distilled into its most fundamental elements—line and color. By elongating the photographic image into thin, precise lines, she transforms it into something entirely new, an exploration of form and color that stands on its own. However, even without considering this conceptual background, the beauty and allure of Yu’s abstract works are undeniable. They possess a self-sustaining elegance, a refined simplicity that draws the viewer in and holds their attention. (Jed Daya)