Accompanied by a certificate issued by Ms. Luisa Luz-Lansigan confirming the authenticity of this lot


Throughout his artistic journey, Arturo Luz explored various styles and mediums. Still, he is most known for his minimalist, geometric, and abstract styles, which began with his figurative, carnival subjects in the 1950s. This period was marked by Luz’s portrayal of his subjects with simple geometric shapes, reducing them to their most basic forms, a testament to his ability to find beauty in simplicity. The above mentioned was a precursor to his later shift to minimalism, where he would abandon figurative painting and embrace more straightforward, linear forms with a limited palette. Luz’s penchant for minimalism and linear structures is manifested in this lot, Black Sun, Red Sky, which reflects the artist’s exploration of contrast and balance in his later works. A twin black mountain made with scribbles of white lines resembling grids is positioned against the titular black sun and red sky. Perhaps age is nothing but a number to Arturo Luz, for the master painter made this piece in 2013, in the hoariness of his late 80s. (Jessica Magno