Accompanied by a certificate signed by the artist confirming the authenticity of this lot


Threading the Path to Resilience At its core, Raffy Napay's art embodies his resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Growing up as the middle child of a tricycle driver and a seamstress, art was never just a hobby for him; it was a means of contributing to his family's livelihood. From a young age, Napay immersed himself in painting and entered contests to help support his household. Due to circumstance, Napay was compelled to abandon these mediums after developing a severe allergy. Despite this challenge, he refused to let it halt his creative path. During his recovery, Napay found unexpected inspiration in his mother’s work as a seamstress. This connection led him to explore threads and fabrics as new materials for his art, allowing him to continue his practice in an innovative way. Through this medium, Napay not only weaves intricate details into his canvases but also infuses them with a sense of visual poetry. He approaches the creative process with threads and fabrics in much the same way he did with paint, from the initial concept to the final touches. His unique method allows him to explore depth and complexity in ways that go beyond traditional painting, creating works that are rich in texture and meaning. Napay's art is a testament to his ability to adapt and thrive, transforming personal challenges into a distinctive artistic voice that resonates with both beauty and emotional depth. This shift brought a fresh dimensionality to his art. His ability to adapt and evolve has resulted in a unique approach that sets his work apart, blending texture and depth in ways that resonate with both visual and emotional richness. (Jed Daya)