It is a token of Juvenal Sansó’s enigmatic quality that his imagination has become a conservatory full of exotic plants verdant in a humid environment. His plant aesthetic is at once sound and delicate, realistic and fantastic. Furthermore, his bouquets and flowers — as with his other favorite subjects — are executed and culled from his enchanted memory. Sansó’s works are brimming with the wealth of flora and fauna such as they are not found on waysides or seasides but only in the lush imagination of a poet. This is owing to the fine artist’s predilection for solitary landscapes and a peculiar kind of plant, botanically speaking. As written in the French daily morning newspaper Le Figaro, “Sansó is a contemplative poet; his landscapes that seem fantastic are authentic, seen in the Far-East… his flowers, masses of rocks, the fishing traps… his tropical plants are all remembered so clearly that he can recreate them in his works… in this silent world no human figure seems to penetrate.” (P.I.R.)