The nude in art is an integral part of high culture, and modern artists have continued to explore classical themes, but also more abstract representations, and movement away from idealization to depict people more individually. The moonlit backdrop provides the ideal pretext for depicting the nude that borders on the unreal, what with the oddly colored cat at right. Marcel Antonio is an artist for hybrid narratives, and none of his images are random or arbitrary. Amid the otherworldly mauves, oranges and turquoises defining the background and details, there is a constant positioning and repositioning to arrive at a virtual web of meaning using layered contexts and shifting points of view. Balthus’ influence is evident in quite a number of Marcel Antonio’s nude paintings. And while those works make thoughtful references to the mysterious French artist, “Nude with Mirror” holds its own with a quirky dimension, a sensuous surrealist air all its own. The mystery of the feline has been a curiosity for art scholars covering a span of time from the ancients to the present day. The patiently solicitous animal, which carries an image of supple grace and proud bearing, provides contrasting traits to any main subject of a painting thus holding great intrigue for ages of collectors. No matter how deeply the presence of the cat is questioned, the mystery remains. Perhaps only the cat itself knows the answer.