This piece is accompanied by a certificate issued by Finale Art File confirming the authenticity of this lot


Ang Kiukok’s stylistic leanings have often (if not always) featured a cubistic quality. There is a uniqueness in his approach to his aesthetic — where the once rigid, and later on more expressive take on forms have given viewers a very evocative brand of art. A potent character in his creations — bordering on grotesque and acerbic. It is in Kiukok’s ability to visually embody angst, anguish, and pain with his subjects that makes for his creations’ inimitable emotional quality. Even in his more abstracted tablescapes and the like, the piercing emotional undertone of Kiukok’s works truly make their power felt. As in this cubistic depiction of the crucified Christ, Kiukok approaches the composition less violently — in contrast to his more gruesome depictions of Christ and the passion. Despite this, the very sullen emotional undertone pervades the work, giving us the boisterous, yet glum rendition of the crucifixion in all its pensive sorrow.