In these works, Norma Belleza deviates from her usual subjects revolving around the folk people and explores another exuberant motif: clowns (payaso). Clowns have long epitomized the art of comedy. In the Philippines, the payaso is one of the main protagonists of the traditional perya (circus) and various other celebrations, foremost of which are children’s birthday parties. Many of us grew up watching clowns throw humorous punchlines and perform magic tricks that surely bewildered us as innocent children. But in several cases, behind their cheerful façades lie the suppressed feelings of demoralization and hopelessness (sad clown paradox), which Belleza hints at in these works by depicting ambivalence and contrast in the clowns’ facial expressions and her employment of vivid colors. Beyond the nostalgic happiness for our precious childhood memories that the image of the clown enkindles is establishing sensitivity and finding empathy with the people who once put joy in our childhood hearts. (A.M.)