This piece is accompanied by a certificate issued by Finale Art File confirming the authenticity of this lot

Provenance: Finale Art File


Ang Kiukok’s reputation as a great painter is built, not on his transformation of his subjects, but on emotional authenticity. Ang Kiukok doesn't portray characters but expresses 'genuine' emotions. His style is notable by not displaying the more obvious attributes of the Savior, with neither his face nor physical makeup being considered "beautiful". However, the subject possesses a remarkably expressive face, and for art audiences, at least, he represents what abstract had consistently failed to produce: subjective “reality”. The idea of deconstructing the face automatically brings to mind the theories of Cubism, in which the subjects are usually dismantled and rearranged in an abstracted form. The essence of cubism is to flatten the subject and view it from many angles on the same plane.