Manifesto Gallerie


Manuel Ocampo’s works are generally reflective of presentday culture, often giving off an unsettling and shocking effect to the viewer. He believes that an artist’s duty is to his or her creation and maturity shows when one is not much preoccupied anymore about what people think or how they explain a certain work. Instead of being drawn to sole meaning, he is driven by the urge to create, to deliver. He unconventionally depicts cultural and religious figures and symbols as a way of garnering an immediate emotional response from the viewer. But beyond the inherent shock value of his works lies a much deeper and complex commentary on contemporary life. In this untitled oil on canvas piece Ocampo presents us with his take on what appears to be the still-life genre. But instead of the usual subject matter typically found in still-life works, Ocampo’s frame features religious and cultural items, objects, and symbols. These are placed on top of a table-like structure shaped like a 6-pointed star or a hexagram. While the manner in which the structure is presented is seemingly welcoming or inviting the viewer to partake in what it has to offer. Ocampo’s work can be read as a commentary and critique on the place commodities and consumption are situated within contemporary life. His use of religious and cultural symbols alludes to the seemingly ritualistic and divine nature of these materials, effectively commenting on the nature of such objects. (J.D.)