To call the works of the acclaimed visual artist and master Justin Nuyda a product of Abstraction or Abstract Impressionism would be doing a general disservice to the hidden genius and potential tucked away within the artist’s meticulous and alluring swatches of color and light. While one can argue that Nuyda’s works fall under the aforementioned umbrella term with its impressionistic and gestural visual cues that are undoubtedly hallmarks of the age-old artistic movement, a closer look reveals that his works seem to occupy an unusual and otherworldly divide between the purely abstract and sensuous and the distinctly representational and realistic. Although his works are heavily populated with a brilliantly curated array of colors and shades that seem to glow under the luminosity of an inviting yet unnerving radiance, his subjects are unmistakably taken from the material beauty of nature and everyday life. Far from the purely impressionistic stance of the abstract and too uncanny for the likes of realism, one can only describe Nuyda’s style as a pioneering venture that is incredibly distinct and uniquely his.