Provenance: Acquired directly from the estate of the artist


Somewhere in his career, Jerry Elizalde Navarro absorbed Japanese aesthetic so completely that they became incorporated into his personal style, as can be seen in the forms, which stand out against their backgrounds in clear linear delineations, offset by broad, flat patterns. Painters such as Jerry Elizalde Navarro believe that there is such a fundamental contradiction between painting abstractly from real objects (no matter how abstracted) that if a painting is going to be abstract at all it should be totally so, with no connection whatsoever with the world of visible reality. Navarro expresses concern with flattening the picture space to focus on the formal elements of color and shape. The viewer more fully enjoys pure form, pure color and pure arrangement because we are less diverted by incidental interests. With the tangibility of Navarro’s forms, and the logic of their relation to one another, his abstraction is otherworldly