Accompanied by a certificate signed by the artist confirming the authenticity of this lot


Cortez’s mastery of hyperrealism transcends mere technical skill; it serves as a potent narrative device that delves into the complexities of human perception and the nature of reality itself. His meticulous attention to detail and ability to replicate reality with astonishing accuracy create an initial sense of comfort and familiarity for the viewer. This comfort, however, is intentionally disrupted by the introduction of subtle or striking surreal elements, which challenge the viewer’s assumptions about what is real and what is imagined. In the work, Cortez invites us into a world where the boundaries between reality and fiction are blurred, creating a dreamlike tableau-rich with symbolic meaning. The figures, adorned with flowers that obscure their eyes, suggest a deliberate detachment from the conventional perception of reality. The flowers, often symbols of beauty and ephemerality, here act as both a mask and a barrier, preventing the figures from seeing the world as it is typically understood. Their expressions and poses convey a sense of introspection, as if they are caught between the realms of the real and the imagined. The juxtaposition of vibrant, lifelike flowers and butterflies with the stark imagery of military tanks and somber figures creates a tension that draws the viewer deeper into the narrative. The butterflies, often symbols of transformation and change, flutter around the figures, hinting at the fleeting nature of life and the constant state of flux in the world. The tanks, on the other hand, introduce a sense of conflict and destruction, contrasting sharply with the natural beauty in the foreground. This interplay between creation and destruction, life and death, reality and imagination, reflects Cortez’s exploration of the dualities inherent in the human experience. (Jed Daya)