Sailboats are a recurring motif in Oscar Zalameda’s oeuvre. As a well traveled artist possessing a bon vivant lifestyle, Zalameda’s paintings of sailboats were likely inspired by the scenic and stunning coasts of the European continent. But the enchantress of a continent that was Europe would not suffice alone as a wellspring of creative inspiration for Zalameda. It was the vibrant gaiety of his native Lucban in the province of Quezon that served as the primary impetus for Zalameda’s works, as evident in their kaleidoscopic fusion of colors. Zalameda’s hometown conjures up images of merriment and delight, which had always pervaded his art and disposition, even during his expatriate phase. The spirit of Lucban still permeates this particular piece depicting a bustling seascape in which the exuberance brought about by the flotilla of sailboats abounds. The soft color palette Zalameda employs evokes the delicacy and romantic quality of Zalameda’s art and the innate serenity that emanates from them, which bestows a universally appealing quality to his art. (Adrian Maranan)