Accompanied by a certificate issued by Josefa Joya Baldovino confirming the authenticity of this lot


The portrayal of people, specially the humble and downtrodden whose humdrum lives found noble meaning in his works, has long engrossed Jose Joya. These subjects seem to offer a broad range of stimulating forms, their innocent, honest facial expression mirroring their true character that’s why in drawing portraits, Joya gives importance to the composition, selecting the best angle to suit the limitations of the paper format. He likes to aggrandize the qualities of his human subjects wherein it is the only technique that he feels the work to be compelling and no wonder, this masterpiece entitled Father and Child has shown the trademark of Joya in portraiture. Rodolfo A. Salaveria on Joya by Joya Book of Drawings, notes, “He draws people and landscape, houses and churches, rivers and seas, and their eternal burden. His works show an impeccable mastery of line and form. They have a drawing-board solidity, but are free from the rigid tyranny of the slide rule. His drawings bring out the anecdotal quality of human life and vibrate with its earthiness.”