Amorsolo deploys his lyrical style in this very rare rendition of the Western cattleya and the Filipino sanggumay orchids. The intertwined blossoms are a parable of the harmony of east and west. Here, undulating lines and simple, curvaceous shapes capture the organic sensuosity of this delicate bloom. In this work, lacy petals of smoothly graduated tones mysteriously complement the lush, broad, deep-green leaves at the background, creating a seductively tropical image. Apart from constructional considerations, the painting is a delightful harmony of pinks and mauves, from the delicate background hues to the more intense colors of flowers and fruit. Amorsolo adds a feel of dense, tropical humidity by choosing to apply the paint with a more feathery effect at the lower right area. His orchids can be either purely preparatory or a finished work of art as much as it is an accurate yet artistic study of nature.