The combination of feeling and intellect in the art of Ossorio lends particular fascination to experiencing the artist’s images. Letting things happen in painting, then taking control of those happenings, is the essence of his quest for a visual language that is uniquely his: flowing organic forms, vivid colors, palpable energies. As Jean Dubuffet observed: ‘In Ossorio’s eyes, the embodiment of things seems fortuitous, as inessential as the fact, for example, that a gas may assume a liquid state. Each body seems to him as a spirit occasionally passing into a field where human eyes can perceive it.’” The subjects are converted into a spontaneous result of rejecting volume, stressing a randomly linear two dimensionality. Orbs of color such as red add density to the overall flatness of the image. Ossorio gives a nod to art brut which is seen in the scratchy or the almost graffiti technique which produces irregular outlines creating a playful, childlike appearance. The quadruplets of the title are defined with bluish lines. Features of a face can also be gleaned by the blue linear orbs.