Provenance: Private Collection, USA


Isidro Ancheta’s oeuvres rendered with utmost intricacy were often looking to a past agricultural period, one that was simple and idyllic, a group of farmers here and nipa huts there. He captured a perfect balance between the elegantly idealized farm folk and their otherwise earthy setting, uniting them with rich color harmonies and sonorous chromatic effects. The classical realist, with his masterful brushstrokes and distinct palette, has immortalized the lush and radiant grandeur of the Philippine bucolic landscapes. Ancheta’s pieces are not only detailed and beautiful, but were also admired and recognized – there was no doubt about the iconic artist’s popularity. Undated, this picturesque oil painting might be one of the artist’s surviving pre-war creations. A certain nostalgia is evoked in his sceneries, serving as relics to remind us of what once was. (P.I.R.)