Accompanied by a certiciate issued by Mrs. Sylvia Amorsolo-Lazo confirming the authenticity of this lot

Provenance: Provenance: Private Collection, Manila


Although known for his idyllic and picturesque depictions of local rural life, Fernando Amorsolo is also known for his breathtaking and pioneering landscape works. He is hailed by the art critic Leo Benesa as the “Master of Philippine Landscape”, even more so than Luna and Hidalgo. This claim can be traced to Amorsolo’s trademark technique of chiaroscuro, which is Italian for light and dark. Through this technique, Amorsolo carefully balances his works’ highlights and shadows, giving his imagery a sense of space despite the inherent flatness of the canvas. His technique also lends his artworks a characteristic glow that is inescapable across his body of work. In this painting entitled Seascape, one can easily see this technique throughout the canvas, but most notably through his depictions of his waves. His contrasting lighting coupled with his notably heavy brushstrokes, another Amorsolo trademark, brings his scenery to life, almost as if one can hear the gentle laps of the waves against the shoreline. His contribution to the eventual development of Filipino art is undeniable and indelible.